25: Try Rubbing Sheep Dung on It

Kwizniac- Remember that one time Becca answered the “Space Invaders” question correctly?
The yellow jackets love of Tim continues

Another item off Becca’s bucket list

A discussion of Mice and Men and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Verse Correction: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12
It’s ok to stay in the mental institute, but watch for the open window

Idols for Destruction

  • Can everything be seen and understood by the sciences and the human mind?
  • Medicine is more an art than a science
  • Do you believe at the end of science there will be perfection?
  • Science and history seem trustworthy, but anything that makes you feel safe besides God will lead you into trouble
  • The importance of listening to the stories of other people who are being honest about their stories
  • Is our generation more interested in experiences then materials?
  • Are animals more innocent then people?

Good Words Podcast

Tim and Becca, parents of toddlers, are making some strange decisions. Sometimes they talk about marriage and life. Somtimes about movies and books. Follow along on their world travels.