44: The Playground
- The Daniel Dilemma…We can’t do it anymore!
- Pacific Rim Uprising
- Audience, could you please be an alien or a monster?
- Are movies now avoiding showing civilians being killed more?
- “It Takes a Church” with Natalie Grant
- Spirit animals…yes that’s right you heard us…send us yours
- Check this list of Goats
- Please let’s do talk about all the ways I’m like a goat
- I feel socially uncomfortable around dogs, Animal Farm(https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3607206/) anyone?
- Pray for the dog owner who is clearly enslaved by their animal
- Easter Egg Hunt memories
- Ray Bradybury Theater- The Playground…Featuring (drum roll) William Shatner
- Ray Bradbury the hoarder
- Do you sometimes think “thank goodness it’s not me”, when someone is going through something awful? Even if it’s your own kids going through it?
- Protecting our kids out of our own fears
- We decide to argue about if we should send our son to preschool… on this podcast?
- If our child keeps bottling things up, he will end up seeing zombie people when he’s thirty
- Developing and guiding coping mechanisms
- Basically preschool is a combination of Lord of the Flies and the Stanford Prison Experiment
- The Stanford Prison Experiment shows human depravity in a compelling way
- Why do obedient people bother others sometimes?
- How much would you go against your own morality to spare someone else from being hurt?
- You have to come up with strong absolutes so you have guiding principals when a difficult moral situation arises
- Trivia- Written by an insane person?!?! The Dictionary