58: Go Sports Team
Thank you for opening your mind to us and putting down the welcome mat in your brains cape
Thunderstorm music
Trivia- They are a sport team!
Irony- being annoyed when others talked about kids when we didn’t have them
Would being famous make you happier?
Swings and roundabouts
Fire station open house
Spider friendship necklaces
Making an office in your master closet
Walmart has skylights?!?!
Repentance- an overused term? Perhaps, the Coming Clean Club
What are you holding onto that comes before God?
Believing that doing spiritual things won’t be a net negative on our days
I guess it’s not helpful visualizing hitting my head on the cement
I’m scared of being fearful
When you’re praying more do life circumstances get harder?
Master Class
Excellent recipe made by Tim- Check!
Making a historical timeline for a character- Check! Well Check-ish!
How we look at and collaborate with our art
Getting drones stuck
Doing hobbies at a social event
Writing as wet cement
Editing podcasts